Sunday, January 15, 2017

Composing and first recording stage completed

I recorded guitars and bass for the closing song today, and it came out cool. The way it turned out, it also confirmed that this closing song idea that came yesterday shall be how it goes, yeah. The closing song is a song # 22 so there will be 22 songs overall. It's a number that feels good. And once again intuition got a nice real life confirmation as I loaded all the 22 rough mixes into music player and checked for the first time what kind of overall length would it be ... 29 minutes 26 seconds. Just as I visioned right from the start, that I wouldn't want to make the album longer than 30 minutes.

Well, to be honest, this isn't the final length yet as of course I'll have to do the space soundscapes and in some songs' cases they will make the songs bit longer. Though on the other hand I think the space elements won't be long ones, not long intros necessarily ... something that broadens the material, but won't make it much longer. There are some songs that might get shorter (depending how I'll shape them endings) so keeping it under 30 minutes is realistic. As usual, we'll see how it goes.

I listened all the songs from start to finish as one package tonight, not once but twice ... I know all the cliche sayings about how artist's newest album is always "the tightest", "the most brutal one" or whatever. Sometimes there's reason to say things like that, sometimes not. Well, I can honestly say, that this next Scumfusion album might well be "the most grindy" (or just plain crazy) album SF has ever done, so far, and I'm not exaggerating. There are hardly any slower songs; in a way I'd say there is one such song, but while it might be bit slower from start to finish, it has the most twisted end riffage section. Crazy is again the word that would fit well, or then ... twisted. And it's also interesting to state that I composed about 90% of the songs in all new way - it's because of the surprise element all the songs have. I'll explain it later, perhaps only after the album is released ... because I don't want to spoil the surprise. It's certainly something that you haven't heard much (if ever!) in grindcore and it also goes well in with the space theme ... in a twisted way. Of course. ;)

So, ... next up is lyrics. I'll start writing them someday soon, as inspiration comes. I do have already some ideas that came from the album title - so writing might start sooner than even I myself think. I also have some ideas how I might record the vocals, but I will have to do some vocal recording experiments, that's for sure.

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