Monday, March 13, 2017

They have been released ...

... and the official release date is 13th March 2017.

First here are the full album streams at youtube for both the main product (Scumfusion) and the so-called sideproduct (Chipfusion) :

You can find the Scumfusion album also from CDbaby and from Bandcamp and it's coming soon to places like Spotify etc. You can stream it also from Mikseri. The same goes for Chipfusion's release, as it's already available at CDbaby and likewise at Bandcamp and it's coming to Spotify etc, too. And it's available for streaming at Mikseri.

Enjoy! I sure enjoyed creating these releases, especially the Scumfusion one. I think it contains some of the best blasters by Scumfusion so far. Which makes me very happy indeed. :)

I'll be putting the lyrics here into this blog later for Scumfusion release. Bandcamp's album package contains massive graphical lyrics set in PDF format as bonus item.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Tracklists & cover artworks

I've spent pretty much all this weekend finalizing the details and some media I've decided to craft - like full album video with visualised lyrics. Actually I just got the massive video edited and it's being rendered. Might be able to get it to youtube still tonight. I didn't have time to put this information here yesterday, but now is the time.

Here's the tracklist and song lengths for the 'Latemogelian infiltration' :

01. Intragalactic   3:28
02. Blackformation   1:50
03. Discovery of Lucid Pearl   2:12
04. Fasten your starbelts   0:37
05. Star blast festival   1:09
06. Mutated star rats   0:59
07. Exoriant radiation   1:57
08. Neogalacticohesion   0:51
09. Unintelligent by design   1:37
10. Pulse from galactic filament 333   0:47
11. Spheres of Draitoz   1:07
12. Space raynergy system   1:39
13. Dimensional constant   0:45
14. Red nil sworn first   1:01
15. Artificial duality   0:34
16. Warbegunugebraw   1:09
17. Red nils worn last   0:55
18. Planetary security gates   1:42
19. Xilixirious elements   1:13
20. Green slime from Zaidazopth   0:59
21. Drones   0:33
22. Extragalactic   3:26

As you can see by just looking at those titles, it's definitely scifi. No surprise there!

Well, here comes the coverart pics, front and back covers (click them to see them larger).

Latemogelian infiltration - front cover

Latemogelian infiltration - back cover
And here's the tracklist & song lengths for Chipfusion release 'Yksi' :

01. Chipgalactic   3:15
02. Chipformation   1:49
03. Discovery of the Chip   2:03
04. Fasten your chipbelts   0:36
05. Chip blast festival   1:08
06. Mutated star chips   0:59
07. Exoriant chip   1:45
08. Neogalactichip   0:51
09. Chipped by design  1:33
10. Pulse from galactic filament chip   0:41
11. Chips of Draitoz   1:06
12. Space raynergy chip   1:50
13. Dimensional chip   0:44
14. Red chip sworn first   1:02
15. Artificial chip   0:50
16. Chipbegunugebpihc   1:08
17. Red chip worn last   0:55
18. Planetary chip gates   1:36
19. Chip elements   1:12
20. Green chip from Zaidazopth   0:58
21. Chips  0:31
22. Galactichip   2:37

Rather familiar looking song titles, right? Yeah. :) The chiptunes are pretty much 100 % unaltered if compared to how they are mixed into Scumfusion album. Just one real exception; song number 15 has slightly longer midsection than how it goes in Scumfusion song (with the very same number, too). Other than that, it's the same chippers with minimalistic techno beats crafted by yours truly.

I didn't create back cover artwork for Chipfusion, just the front album cover, which also happens to be strongly connected with Scumfusion's album cover. It makes sense in a twisted way. Here you go (click to see it larger).

Yksi - front cover

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Soon to be released (parts one and two)

After several days of listening and checking how the 2nd master version feels, I decided that it's the final master version. Nothing to be fixed. I've already started submitting the album to CDbaby first, and I'll progress with few other streaming sites during the weekend. Going to make full album video for youtube, containing visual lyrics, etc.

Not just the SF album release, but I'm simultaneously releasing also chiptune album under the name of Chipfusion. It contains the chiptunes used in Scumfusion's new album, with minimalistic techno beats replacing all the grind / metal elements. It's a funny package and makes an interesting listen and kind of comparison to the Scumfusion album. How different can an album sound. Very different indeed.

I'll post album coverart(s) and tracklist later into this blog. Possible also for Chipfusion since I won't be making any separate blog etc for that release. Since this release is connected directly to Scumfusion, its' details are going to be here as well.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Lookin' through thy 2nd master

It's progressing. Yes. I already crafted second master version of the album tonight, after working few hours with tweaking them sounds. I even managed to listen the album once through in its' current form and it's surely getting there bit by bit. I'm not sure yet, if this second master version is the version or not - since I'm not in any kind of hurry, I'll listen it for a day or two and then look how it feels. Currently it feels very good already.

Now I have quite precise overall length of this album to tell, too: 30min 30sec. And if not counting few longer space soundscapes included, the album (grind stuff) is perhaps 28-29 minutes long. The current length feels very good to me, too. Very fitting.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Already listening (but not for signals in space)

Against my earlier expectations I had time to do the full album bounce today and I've even listened the package twice through. Musically speaking I'm very satisfied with the package all in all. Production'wise it's ... well, it is rough sounding package, too. Dirty and primitive. But as it happens, it suits the material perfectly.

Now it's mainly about seeing how I finish the final mix / mastering process. Earlier I've been thinking about working the material so that I'd get the overall mix louder. But as I did some analysing tonight and experiments, I'm starting to feel more certain that ... I will not try to force a louder mix. It would be against my own overall picture about  the "loudness war" subject. I'll rather let the album stay more dynamic and organic, kind of, the way it is currently. I will be doing some mixing & mastering experiments, ... gotta see how it goes and how long it takes. Not necessarily long at all.

If previous SF album ("lost constellations") was the most pure sounding moment for SF, this new album will be about  the opposite. But in a good way. I can't say it'd be the most unpure sounding since that prize would have to go the debut release which was and is beyond unpureness. :)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Space t(h)ree

Third "spacescapey" session tonight and ... it was rather surprising. I thought I'd have at least two more basic space soundscape sessions left but I got all the rest songs worked through tonight. I'm not sure yet if that's that, or is more soundwork needed - I'll have to listen the full album few times before doing any decisions there. I also lost count of the space element songs I did tonight, but I'd estimate it's like every second or every third song will have some space sound elements mixed in. In many songs' cases the crazy chiptune soundscape is more than "spacy" enough, ha!

So, ... next up will be putting up a bounce for listening the full album. It could be that I don't have time to do that yet during the coming weekend since there are other things to do. I'll report when I get into next stage. Listening sessions ahead.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

More space soundworks

Continued the work tonight for few hours. Got basic space elements done for four tracks. And while doing that, it became even more clear that the space soundscapes are less obvious / noticeable with this release. They are  there, some of them will be easily picked and noticed, but some sounds are more like hidden expansions within the grind chaos (or in the breaks from the chaos).

Well, the work is progressing nicely. To be continued ... I think it's at least two more space soundscape sessions ahead at this stage.