Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just one fix (and then some)

I listened all the tracks through this morning in the condition they are right now (final guitars, machinery drums) and felt that two tracks had some details in guitars that should be fixed. The songs would benefit from the fixes. So I went and re'recorded some parts for the two songs - and the fixes were exactly what I wanted with pretty much first takes. And I was happy again.

Then I went into checking one song much more closely, probably the craziest song of the package - thinking that it should be as good as it's possible to get it and now that my right arm is in good condition ... I kept listening to the rough mix and compared it to other songs and made a decision. I'll re'record that whole song and probably end up having a tighter, more crazy sounding result. I thought it's no big deal, but in a way I thought wrong. Because it took me closer to 4 hours to get that song into final condition. 4 hours for song that's 1min 40sec long or so. Funny. :) ... it wasn't the manic guitar riffs that caused so much problems and took time, but that song has extreme tempo and numerous sudden riff changes, stops etc - I wanted to get it as perfect as I can with my DIY-skills so ... it just took a bit time.

Anyway, it was definitely worth the sweat. Now that song is definitely better sounding, even more furious than what it was. I can reveal that it's going to be second song on the package, right after opening piece. It's total scifi grind!

Now I'll try to relax for day or two and then re'listen the tunes - if it's all okay to me (I do suppose it is) then I'll start separating the drumfiles for the next stage. Which is quite probably recording the real cymbals, hihats etc - Timo will have two hands full of duty at that point, I think. ;)

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