Thursday, August 29, 2024

True progression

Now as the flu has been beaten, I've managed to continue working with vocals. And I'm glad to say I'm now progressing the way I thought I would. It seems that the fact that it wasn't my singing making me in pain, that realization gave me new burst of confidence for screaming and recording vocals the harsh way.

Some 7 songs still have vocals to record, but I'm getting there. And it feels good. Actually I'd go as far as saying that this is quite certainly the best ever Scumfusion package I've done all by myself. I like it all musically, I like it lyrically, it's getting pretty damn close to what I envision Scumfusion to be. And that makes me feel really good.

Also the fact that this album is a tribute to my family members passed away ... the matter of life and death is here and there in the lyrics. Even that it's all space tales from start to finish. 

And it's going to be a truly noisy scifi grind package, indeed.

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