Monday, August 5, 2024

Back from summer break and statement about Facebook presence

One might guess nothing really happened with Scumfusion since I last time wrote, ... but the reality is the opposite. Pretty much the same thing happened with creating lyrics than how the music got composed during Spring; it happened really fast. I thought "I might start writing lyrics during June, before my summer holiday starts and that's it" ... well, not only I started writing the lyrics, but I wrote all the lyrics for all the twenty tunes during latter half of June. And it wasn't just writing, but I pretty much did vocal arrangements too, simply by listening the rough mixes and arranging at mind level. 

I also went into recording the vocals during those bit under two weeks in June ... yeah. And I got about 8-9 songs done, vocals recorded. And that's the stage I am currently. I shall be continuing the tricky task of vocals (lots of lyrics and fast pace and..) in coming weeks as / if my daily work permits. At work I have the busiest period of year typically from August into late September, but we'll see how it goes.

PS: Another matter worth (?) mentioning is that Scumfusion (nor any other music projects of mine) no longer has facebook page. It's not worth the hassle. I will have only these blogs and music will always end up in streaming services, and that's it.

One vision (not AI but Finland) from my summer holiday

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