Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Progressing with vocals + artwork

 As I though I have more than enough work at hand with dayjob, so I haven't had too much time to work with Scumfusion. Lately I've done few sessions though, and it seems I'm finding the style and combination of vocals that fits the music well enough. It's just very exhausting work for me personally, seems that no matter how much I practice using upper body for vocals, I still use too much throat for singing - which results into effects like evening cough, slightly sore / dry throat, very slight throat pain (or simply uneasy feeling in throat area). It's not nice, of course, but I'm "working on it" at the same time I'm working on recording the vocals. It's twice more demanding, because - well, actually I wouldn't say necessarily that it's the "normal" vocals that seem to damage, but it's the sewer vocal style which takes its' toll on me. And on top of that, sewer vocal channel is similar sounding from start to finish - but the "normal vocals" ain't just one style, but there are few different ways of singing, slightly screamy, slightly growly, upper pitched screamy, very upper pitched screamy, ... well that might explain something about why it's demanding, too.

Currently I have 11 songs with vocals, so it's like 55% done ... supposing I'm happy enough with the results. I've also done like 4-5 different rought mix sessions with vocals in the songs so yeah ... and listening to the mixes and comparing, countless times.

In any case, it is progressing slowly but certainly.

I've also done some visual work in the meanwhile; not just front cover artwork is fully completed, but I've done the back cover (CD jewel case size) as well, and also crafted a massive image containing all the lyrics (that wouldn't be necessary, but just for fun and as I am up to it).

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