Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Even that I had quite a busy evening yesterday (thanks to our cats amongst other things, as it was my turn to do the 100% cleaning session for their toilet, ha!) I still managed to take 1-2 hours of time late evening for continuing them Scumbursts. And so I did.

I took the "first new song" (the one I mentioned in previous post, rehearsal video from December 2015) I crafted in years for SF, and I kind of reworked it from start to finish. It's still easily recognizable even that reworking it to fit the other new songs gave it a new edge, too. Came out great, I could use that certain c-word once again but ... anyway - it's about 40 seconds long ... so, yeah. Playing guitars down took few short sessions, but bassguitar was recorded with just one take. One minute job including fetching the instrument!

Other new songs vary from 1min30sec into as long as 3 minutes (!) which is longest song for SF in ages. That's what probably made me question first that could this be SF, or is this really a new project. So ... here's the thing worth noting; unlike in distant past, before I had Mood:Doom (the doom metal project) it was like when SF had long(er) song, it almost always meant a slow song. Because it was the Autopsy influence, trying to add doom element to the grind project. Talk about "the grind paradox" there, you know! Well, but that was then ... this is now. Now there might be some longer songs like this one song is already (can't say if it's the only one or will there be others like that, when it comes to length) but you can't exactly use the word "slow" for them. Or of course you can, but it might make you yourself seem bit slow if you get the drift. ^_^

I'd like to continue crafting more already tonight, after day's work, but it could well be that there's now small holiday break ahead. Lots of things to do tonight and gotta pack a bit as I'm leaving my homestudio for couple of days (Christmas) but I can feel it already; I'm returning to the crafting as I get back home and even have few days off from the work.

So, happy holidays to you and ... can't say anything about new year yet as I'm probably writing more here still during this year!

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