Monday, September 16, 2024

Lyric video for 'Alien professor anarchy' released

You can find the lyric video for 'Alien professor anarchy' from Youtube right <here> and/or alternatively you can check out the lyric video embedded below.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Possibly also a lyric video soon under works

I got an idea for "recycling" my rehearsal video from last June, you know, this clip right here - where I'm playing song number 13 from the new album. The idea is simple and straightforward, requires rather minimal videoediting - mainly adding lyrics to the video, perhaps some visual effect mixed in and replacing the rehearsal soundscape with album version of that same song. I think it will work nicely.

I'll probably craft this lyric video in coming days and put it to youtube within a week or so. I'll post about the release of the lyric video here in blog, too, you can count on it.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Music video is out, too!

I honestly didn't think I'd get the video fully edited today, definitely not. It's a short song of course, but it has lots of visual things happening, demanding lil' edit it was. But I kept tweaking and turning and tuning and look what happened; the video is ready! So I thought why delay the inevitable? No reason!

< here > is the link to Youtube page for music video and below it's in embedded form.


Music video on its' way

For promoting a zero budget DIY project I naturally decided to craft another zero budget thing; do a music video by myself. Of course it's far from the first time, as anyone who knows be any better, knows. But this time ... bit like the vibe I have for 'Achromatic horridness' album (that it truly kicks ass, for me it's close to perfection of scifi grind done according to my vision) I feel that this music video is gonna turn out really good. It's still a work in progress, but I can already say it could well be the best ever music video I've done for Scumfusion. Perhaps best ever, all in all. It's coming out great, and it could well be ready for releasing in coming days. Yeah!

I have such a great vibe about the video, that I'd even call it as "promo video", instead of just music video as I usually tend to call them - especially my own creations. You will see. ;)

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tracklist and release date

I have set the release date for 'Achromatic horridness' and it will appear to streaming medias around the world on 26th September 2024 if everything goes smoothly according to plan. I don't expect delays at this stage. I will post front and back cover artwork here in this blog later this month, perhaps a day or two before the album appears into streaming services.

As the song titles show, the space tales vary from light and humor tinged into grand scale universe matters and anything and everything in between the two. There are topics of peace but there are topics of war as well. And there are more than one song which can be seen as musical obituary for my sister's and dad's deaths. But I think I save my analyses and trivia details for later (notably later), like for example in 2025 ...

In any case, here's the tracklist and song lengths as well ... and as you can see, there are more than one references to certain Lossidia, too. :)

1. Achromatic explosion (1:35)
2. Horridness of barren moons (0:59)
3. Planet of Atzsypellb (1:44)
4. Napalm universe (1:32)
5. Star slavers (1:11)
6. From dying suns (1:05)
7. Nebula highway (1:10)
8. Space excrements (0:38)
9. Before the big bang (2:02)
10. Rotting in space (1:44)
11. Dissonance of vault 69 (1:25)
12. Warp drive failure (1:49)
13. Alien professor anarchy (0:57)
14. Lecture by a grand traveller from Lossidia (2:47)
15. Space storm near Pleiades (1:22)
16. Grand galactic war incantation (1:24)
17. At thresholds of multiple dimensions (1:06)
18. Universe expanded (2:06)
19. Lossidia's war march (1:33)
20. Dead starlight passengers (3:22)

Overall length, as told earlier: 31 minutes 31 seconds.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The new album title is ...

Achromatic Horridness

... yeah, there you go, that's what this monstrous scifi grind attack will be called.

I've been more than hard at work doing the finishing touches for the album. Seems that towards the end I only have more and more energy for doing what needs to be done... and I can tell you; I've done a lot recently. Partially these final work sessions go smoothly because I've been preparing them here and there during earlier stages of creation process. Like for example the space ambience elements; I already had ideas for them during early Summer, and I wrote down the details what I thought then. Following my own notes the space elements ... have already been fully completed. Yeah! But I've also been using basicly all my free time doing this thing. Passion and inner fire burning hot.

Today I've listened the full album through something like 7-8 times ... simply to see how it flows, do the space elements work as intended, can I spot anything to fix, etc. Some small fixes were made after  the first two listening through sessions, but now past few listenings I've felt it is getting pretty damn near of being ready. Yeah!

I can already say how long the album is and the figures are 100% coincidental: 31 minutes 31 seconds. Funny, ehh?

If you think about numbers; 3+1+3+1 = 8 ... the number of infinity. Also 31+31 = 62 = 6+2 = 8, again. Number that presents infinity ... well it works nicely for pure scifi themed music, right?

There won't be really long space soundscapes (unlike with Mood:Doom at times, different style of music altogether), it's more about very short space sound elements. Only closing song has longer outro. Some track or two here and there have thematically longer outro, I guess, but "longer" ... is not really long in this case. The opening track has bit longer intro, as well, even that the song itself is 1-2 minutes long. :)

20 songs in 31min 31sec, I think it's pretty good length. It is what it is, all intuitional - nothing in this release is planned. If you take all the short (and few bit longer) space soundscapes away, the album is well under 30 minutes long, I think.

I'm thinking about making a music video for some selected cut, too ... and here I have a positive problem which isn't always like this: There are so many really nasty, gripping cuts to choose from! Really. But we'll see. And the icing on this scifi grind cake: I already have a veru possible release date in my mind, too - but wel'll get back to that later. It might be during September already.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Trailer for __________ __________ is out !

 Here's trailer for the forthcoming album.

< Click here > to go see it in Youtube, or watch it below :

Vocals recorded! Trailer ahead!

All the vocals have been recorded, took multiple more recording sessions on a daily basis. It was quite a task in the end, considering I have few layers for vocals and there are different styles layered ... definitely the heaviest task in making this album happen. But they are recorded, and I'm actually pretty happy with the results.

I've even had time for start crafting a trailer for the album. The trailer very likely gets done during next few days as I had a great plan for it, visually and choosing fitting clips ... it's gonna be true scifi grind trailer, I can already promise that! :) And it will give a good impression what kind of album is ahead.

More news in coming days, the next thing could well be the release of the trailer ... below is one picture from the trailer.