Monday, May 13, 2024

Cosmic dust collector

 More song bases have been forming since I last wrote and the shape of the album is starting to take form.  Some four more songs since I last wrote. Seems to be quite a rollercoaster ride musically speaking so far. It's almost funny how I mentioned Godflesh in some recent writing - about how I sensed Godflesh vibe (which does not mean grind, yeah, not tempowise in any case - Godflesh's bassguitar certainly grinds!) ... well that vibe is around in the opening track. but I think it's the only place where I feel it in a twisted way. 

Naturally I can't yet say how the final music will sound, but one thing seems to be certain: It will sound nothing like "latemogelian infiltration" where the production went all bollocks because of that crazy chiptune experiment. This new album will have no chiptune experimentation or no sound experiments at all like that - it will be very straightforward guitar/bass/drums splatter, with space soundscapes thrown in (which I will be creating last, I already sense some places in some of the songs for ambient stuff).

Musically speaking lots of the new stuff so far sounds like ... some chaotic space war. Unsurprisingly.

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