Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Drum mach... drumtitudian abyss sessions vol. 131211

I've had several smaller drum machine / programming sessions since last blog post. Have completed few more song bases, making the drums more varying and lively as well as I can. With trying to not to lose the grind edge of it all. This "machine work" is not exactly the most exciting stuff to do, but it's rewarding to hear how the song bases turn out with the work. While doing these drumworks, I've also noticed that some songs would benefit from slight re-work - and so I've done also some changes. Another factor that feels good. And it's easy to do at this stage, since the recording of final guitars & bassguitars (not to mention live drums for steel department) is all in the future.

It seems that the toms will be machinery. Why? Mainly because it would be really demanding to throw in just some tom rolls'n'fills into the drums recording them live. With these tempos the songs have. This feels like a good decision - I'm using four high quality tom samples and adding all kinds of basic (and less basic) rolls here and there, while adding some snare rolls etc too. So, ... Timo will be recording "just" all the cymbal/hihat works live when the time comes.

Why I wrote it like "just" all the cymbal/hihat, you might ask? Well, let's just say that it won't be "just", not at all. If the vision I'm having turns out in a way I dream it to turn out - there will be lots of cymbalworks! ;) ... and Timo will have some work ahead while recording them. Certainly both hands will be fully used and then some. Ha!

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