Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ideas rollin'

I've had some good ideas for songs & good grind vibes, but I haven't yet continued making more new song bases simply because I have a minor injury with my right arm. Can't lift heavy things and gotta take it peacefully for now - but I suppose I can continue recording the song bases as autumn goes forwards. At least playing the guitar doesn't hurt, as long as I don't lift the instrument with right hand. Ehh!

In the meanwhile, while doing some photography things I got an idea for possible music video, for forthcoming Scumfusion package. Quite funny, considering that I only have started to craft the songs. Well, the idea might be fully used, or then partially (clips as parts of a song, or this might result a video on its' own, who knows) - depends on how I'd get the video material shot for that idea. Might try shooting the material already next weekend depending on weather.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta comment this myself; this video idea I mentioned here is not that funny little lege video for "dimension shift". This idea born in august was real video, not still shots of lego men :) ... idea is still more than applicable, but as the lake waters are freezing, it seems it will happen in some future summer only. As it needs to be done in a lake. Yay.
