Monday, September 23, 2024

Possible delay problem with CDbaby

Unfortunately there was a data corruption in my submission to CDbaby - I did notice it myself afterward and I took repairing actions, but ... it meant I had to resubmit all the 20 songs for the system. Well, this wouldn't had been any kind of problem timewise, except ... bad luck, where I thought the audio data is being replaced, it wasn't because the fella at their end was "out of office" (and with no automated message of any sorts about it) so ... I got to know this only yesterday, and the release date 26th September is just around the corner. The data replacement got started yesterday (I thought it started well over a week ago, oh well) only, so it could mean that distribution to Spotify, Youtube music etc system might be delayed by some days. Well, not much I can do about it, a pity.

But there are good news that counterbalance the above; I have the album in 100% correct form waiting at Bandcamp so it will be available from there on 26th September certainly. And I'm also working on "full album stream video with lyrics" which I'll release in Youtube also on 26th September. So the delay with all the other streaming media systems is not that big deal in the end, I hope. Of course I would had liked all go perfectly smoothly, but as with life in general, you know - things don't always go exactly the way you want.

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