Friday, May 17, 2024

Status (again) and some fan tribute stuff

 Again, just some days since last writing and new tunes have been born in the meanwhile. I have a feeling that I'm reaching a point where I have enough material for the release. Interesting to see if the flow starts to cool down around the figure I've thought could be fitting for the album. Anyway, the great vibes continue, even that I have a lot on my plate, work and chores at home - but still the tunes keep on coming on a daily basis.

If you want to check out some tribute "music videos" I've created during a year or two, check out this playlist by me at Youtube. You'll find big bunch of video clips from there in case you enjoy death/thrash/speed/grind etc extreme metal. 

I got the idea to start doing tribute videos like that few years ago, as a result of stumbling across some Opprobrium (formerly Inbubus) live music videos - where early 1990s bootleg live video clips were mixed with studio recordings of the songs being played. It worked excellently in my opinion, I really enjoyed those clips - and then later on got the idea to expand on that, just for fun, as I enjoyed those clips so much. And wow, I enjoyed crafting the tribute videos myself, and I enjoyed the results I got - by fan, for fans, just for fun (or for fan? ha!). Sometimes editing those tribute videos means sweaty moments, timing, syncing - and considering that most of the time I add the lyrics also. Well, I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy doing it. 

Well, until next time ...

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