So, ... as you might have thought based on that rehearsal video thing, that hey this isn't titled just something like "new song" but Alien P.A. ... is that a song title? Yes, it's a song title in a shortened form. Song number 13 in the package. It didn't get chosen for rehearsal video because it happens to have a title for it, neither did it get chosen because of the music itself - it happened to be chosen just because I happened to be playing just that song briefly and the idea for making a little rehearsal clip after years of break came out of blue. And like I stated, it was all done really quickly.
But yeah, what about lyrics then?
Remember as I wrote earlier this month, that next I'll have to write lyrics and I'll report here how it goes, whether I get that process started before start my well earned summer holiday on 1st July ... well, I more than did get the process of writing lyrics started. As I started writing lyrics (first came lyrics for the very last song on package) they came out like a flood. Song titles the same thing there, and it all happened with such a great vibe, joy, I probably had smile on my face all the time while working on the lyrics. Only something like 3-4 days and I had all the lyrics written (!) ... yeah! And not just that but also something which really tells about the inspiration itself; while I wrote the lyrics, I did the arrangements let's say 95% complete for all the songs. I was like ... what the heck, what just happened? It all happened so fast. Like how fast the lyrics came, vocal arrangements were easy and smooth as well, whoa.
What all that means, well at some point I should find time to start experimenting with recording the vocals ... I don't know if I get there before I have my summer holiday or no, or perhaps I'll do some vocal stuff during holidays, time shall thell how it goes.