Tuesday, June 18, 2024

About lyrics

 So, ... as you might have thought based on that rehearsal video thing, that hey this isn't titled just something like "new song" but Alien P.A. ... is that a song title? Yes, it's a song title in a shortened form. Song number 13 in the package. It didn't get chosen for rehearsal video because it happens to have a title for it, neither did it get chosen because of the music itself - it happened to be chosen just because I happened to be playing just that song briefly and the idea for making a little rehearsal clip after years of break came out of blue. And like I stated, it was all done really quickly.

But yeah, what about lyrics then?

Remember as I wrote earlier this month, that next I'll have to write lyrics and I'll report here how it goes, whether I get that process started before start my well earned summer holiday on 1st July ... well, I more than did get the process of writing lyrics started. As I started writing lyrics (first came lyrics for the very last song on package) they came out like a flood. Song titles the same thing there, and it all happened with such a great vibe, joy, I probably had smile on my face all the time while working on the lyrics. Only something like 3-4 days and I had all the lyrics written (!) ... yeah! And not just that but also something which really tells about the inspiration itself; while I wrote the lyrics, I did the arrangements let's say 95% complete for all the songs. I was like ... what the heck, what just happened? It all happened so fast. Like how fast the lyrics came, vocal arrangements were easy and smooth as well, whoa.

What all that means, well at some point I should find time to start experimenting with recording the vocals ... I don't know if I get there before I have my summer holiday or no, or perhaps I'll do some vocal stuff during holidays, time shall thell how it goes. 

Rehearsal video

 I shot a lil' rehearsal video tonight of one new song I was loosely playing. 

Video was shot in 1-2 minutes and video editing took perhaps 15 minutes. Fast job but a fun job, too!

So here you go, check it out below and get a hint what kind of stuff the new stuff is. :)

I'll put also the video URL <right here> in case you want to get there that way.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


I already composed the very last new tune a week ago - coincidentally it happened as it was my birthday, too. I knew while doing that song, that it will be the last, I already sensed the certain amount / flow will go this way, this time. The song that I did last, will not be the album closing track though. Actually I did think few weeks ago that the final song count could be bit different, few more songs - but as the process went on, it was suddenly crystal clear, that there will be exactly 20 tunes on this album.

I could had written about all that a week ago already, but there has been lots of things going on - some work stuff too, some short trip or two, but especially some gig stuff too. I went to see Godflesh like I mentioned earlier on (and it was helluva good, truly powerful stuff) and not just that, but there was this Brutalfest event too. Two day fest with 7 bands on each evening, shot some videoclips about each of the bands (just search "brutalfest antti kivilahti" in Youtube and you'll find 'em) and full sets by few of the bands (Galvanizer, Rotten Sound, Analepsy). Great little underground fest.

What I've been doing during past week or so with Scumfusion material then - is that I've had 20 rough mixes of the song bases, and I've listened em through in a row for multiple times, just to see how it all works as full album and especially how it flows from start to finish. Seems I already have the final order for the songs, the flow feels very good for me. Musically speaking there are hints of Scumfusion's past clearly here and there, happening "in an unintentional way" - and it's a twisted little way which works nicely for me personally. 

I already have some song titles in mind and next I will start writing some lyrics. Summer and holiday might put things on a break, but we'll see. I have no deadline nor timeline, this process goes on as it goes on - and it's good that way. Depending on how things progress, I might still write here before I enter them summer holidays (beginning on 1st July).