Look once again how time flies - even that it's not always fun either. Well, well ... kind of funny how things went, actually I only visited this blog of mine just today, first time since probably last writing, which was in June 2021. And reading what I wrote then, yeah, it seems that I was onto something ... and even more hilarious is the way how I ended up checking what I wrote here in June 2021.
Well, as I mentioned in previous post, there was "some" renovation projects ahead. Some, indeed. Pretty soon after I wrote that in June 2021, renovation was taking pretty much all the free time I had. I was doing renovation tasks myself as well as had external labour doing two separate tasks as well. Then soon it was late 2021 already, there was only small break from all the renovating, if there was any real break from it - and the biggest renovating operation started in January 2022. It got finished in May only, and from May to late July 2022 I was pretty much outdoor "renovating" our garden, too. So, all my time went to that to the extent that I even got some health issues - and add to that some 2-3 brutal flu sessions, out of which the last one started when I was finishing the gardening work, and I got fully recovered only in late July. As is evident, renovating has been in limelight, almost too much to be honest.
So, while very recently I've been planning some Chipfusion stuff, and while at it, I stumbled across Scumfusion song bases dating back to Spring 2021. My main PC came to its' end in December 2021 after serving me record breaking 6 freakin' years (!) ... so I had to start it clean with new PC back in late 2021. All that and the renovation made me simply forget that I had crafted any Scumfusion material in the first place. So I stumbled across my own material I didn't quite remember, then came here to read and oh yeah, I had some plans back in Summer 2021 ... the plans came to dead end as renovation took over like The Mule in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, you know?
So, ... fast forward to present day. While doing something all different musically I found my Scumfusion "stash" and listened the song bases. Some tracks sound too much like ... not really there, more like band practice, sound experiments in a form of some song bases. But one song catches me, it's the first song I crafted in Spring 2021 and I remembered I thought it would make a great opening track for something. Something that does not exist. As right now I decided to pretty much scratch the other tracks. I'm not in mood for crafting full release or not even EP right now. Instead I got idea for single release: I'll put finishing touches for this one grind blast (which isn't even 1 minute long), I already got idea for lyrics - I'll record vocals and aim for Halloween release in coming weeks. It's such a sweet grind piece that it shouldn't be left to rot. And also while creating in 2021, I didn't write up any notes for guitar / bassguitar sound settings at all, so I would be hard pressed to be able to reproduce identical soundscapes (thinking about EP or album release). So, why not make first ever single release for Scumfusion, then.
You have been warned. This time it's (a star) war!