I've spent pretty much all this weekend finalizing the details and some media I've decided to craft - like full album video with visualised lyrics. Actually I just got the massive video edited and it's being rendered. Might be able to get it to youtube still tonight. I didn't have time to put this information here yesterday, but now is the time.
Here's the tracklist and song lengths for the
'Latemogelian infiltration' :
01. Intragalactic 3:28
02. Blackformation 1:50
03. Discovery of Lucid Pearl 2:12
04. Fasten your starbelts 0:37
05. Star blast festival 1:09
06. Mutated star rats 0:59
07. Exoriant radiation 1:57
08. Neogalacticohesion 0:51
09. Unintelligent by design 1:37
10. Pulse from galactic filament 333 0:47
11. Spheres of Draitoz 1:07
12. Space raynergy system 1:39
13. Dimensional constant 0:45
14. Red nil sworn first 1:01
15. Artificial duality 0:34
16. Warbegunugebraw 1:09
17. Red nils worn last 0:55
18. Planetary security gates 1:42
19. Xilixirious elements 1:13
20. Green slime from Zaidazopth 0:59
21. Drones 0:33
22. Extragalactic 3:26
As you can see by just looking at those titles, it's definitely scifi. No surprise there!
Well, here comes the coverart pics, front and back covers
(click them to see them larger).
Latemogelian infiltration - front cover |
Latemogelian infiltration - back cover |
And here's the tracklist & song lengths for
Chipfusion release 'Yksi' :
01. Chipgalactic 3:15
02. Chipformation 1:49
03. Discovery of the Chip 2:03
04. Fasten your chipbelts 0:36
05. Chip blast festival 1:08
06. Mutated star chips 0:59
07. Exoriant chip 1:45
08. Neogalactichip 0:51
09. Chipped by design 1:33
10. Pulse from galactic filament chip 0:41
11. Chips of Draitoz 1:06
12. Space raynergy chip 1:50
13. Dimensional chip 0:44
14. Red chip sworn first 1:02
15. Artificial chip 0:50
16. Chipbegunugebpihc 1:08
17. Red chip worn last 0:55
18. Planetary chip gates 1:36
19. Chip elements 1:12
20. Green chip from Zaidazopth 0:58
21. Chips 0:31
22. Galactichip 2:37
Rather familiar looking song titles, right? Yeah. :) The chiptunes are pretty much 100 % unaltered if compared to how they are mixed into Scumfusion album. Just one real exception; song number 15 has slightly longer midsection than how it goes in Scumfusion song (with the very same number, too). Other than that, it's the same chippers with minimalistic techno beats crafted by yours truly.
I didn't create back cover artwork for Chipfusion, just the front album cover, which also happens to be strongly connected with Scumfusion's album cover. It makes sense in a twisted way. Here you go
(click to see it larger).
Yksi - front cover |