Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ideas rollin'

I've had some good ideas for songs & good grind vibes, but I haven't yet continued making more new song bases simply because I have a minor injury with my right arm. Can't lift heavy things and gotta take it peacefully for now - but I suppose I can continue recording the song bases as autumn goes forwards. At least playing the guitar doesn't hurt, as long as I don't lift the instrument with right hand. Ehh!

In the meanwhile, while doing some photography things I got an idea for possible music video, for forthcoming Scumfusion package. Quite funny, considering that I only have started to craft the songs. Well, the idea might be fully used, or then partially (clips as parts of a song, or this might result a video on its' own, who knows) - depends on how I'd get the video material shot for that idea. Might try shooting the material already next weekend depending on weather.

Friday, August 12, 2011

High on grind

I just finished recording guitars for another new song base, a very rough mix. Feels like a really promising and how would I say? A truly mad song. Considering that I'm using 11 years old drum samples (intentionally) for this rough mix / composing stage, and still this new song sounds like total devastation already at this stage ... this will be quite some song and it gives me amazing vibes; strengthening the vision of next album.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Something happening

Composed and recorded a rough mix of one new song tonight, guitars with drum machine. Feels like it could well be the opener of the next album, but that is pure speculation right now. Actually I was going to just create a "test song" for trying out the live drums / overdubbing / machinery combination with Timo. Instead of making just a random little test song, I got sudden inspiration and the song certainly feels like a base for something much more than just a "test song". It might take a while before Timo gets to test the drum things with this song, but that's just fine. It might as well be that now as I feel like getting into good grind mood, I'm doing some composing and probably end up having first bunch of song bases ready for later delevopment.

The idea is to create a package that is about 30 minutes long overall (or if that feels like too tight, then extreme max is 35 minutes but 30 minutes feels good limit for grind album if you ask me). Actually I don't know how long (short) the overall package might turn out, ... depends on how the material turns out. The grind factor is the number one priority in my mind. There won't be odd doom wannabe pieces anymore hanging around like in past, you can count on that in any case. It is going to be pedal to the metal from start to finish.

In the meanwhile, feel free to grind onwards. Go and try out Rotten Sound's "cursed" for example.