Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thoughts for the future

Even that I'm not yet starting to record any new SF material, I've had some ideas already for the next SF release. Mainly two things which are connected to the project Mood:Doom (scifi doom metal project I'm doing with Timo). The two things are namely these:

1. The future SF material will be total grind (with scifi elements of course, though), no more short doomy pieces. As extreme as possible and what inspires. But the direction is certainly towards the very original idea when it comes to grind side of SF. More of it and with fury. Which boils down to the second point.

2. Thanks to excellent experiences with live drums in project Mood:Doom so far, I've started developing ways to do "half programmed drums" for next SF package. As SF is purely studio project, we don't have to worry if it's possible to play the material live. Which opens room for some truly extreme "half programmed / half live drums".

But we'll see how it goes, ... whenever the time comes for starting to create the next slab of scifi grind.