Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Lyrics for 'Achromatic horridness'

The lyrics can be found from multiple locations online (for example at Bandcamp) but I'll put the lyrics here as well for easier reading.


1. Achromatic explosion

Nebula sprawls a cosmic bruise
Where starlight bleeds through
Across the void a vessel streaks
Hull acts as canvas as traveller speaks

Silent fury as universe bled
Through the wasteland of stars

2. Horridness of barren moons

Once vibrant suns now husks of grey
Where life used to bloom in all colors
Sentinels of time stand on cold barren moons
Whispering hidden tales for those who came before
Achromatic explosion, symphony of light gone dead

3. Planet of Atzsypellb

Crash landed on a chrome terrain
Two suns beam down into my veins
Planet Atzsypellb a world so strange
where logic bends and minds derange
Silicon trees with fractal leaves
Growing secrets in the solar breeze
Creatures made of living light
Crawl in this breathtaking night
Time flows backwards only
All the memories fade away
Their past is someone’s future
Enter a vast cosmic charade

4. Napalm universe

Napalm universe burning on a pyre
Stars ignite in curtains of fire
Stardust turns to shrapnel rain
In this cosmic war we can’t explain
Dream of fertile soil and rain
Distant future through the pain
Is there life beyond the flames?
Signals in the galactic void?

Here under napalm skies we fight
For every fleeting breath
Another day and another fight
Until we meet our unglorified death
Dream of fertile soil and rain
Distant future but not in this moment
Is there life beyond the flames?
No one answers in galactic void
5. Star slavers

Neon glow on gold and steel
Starship streaks across the night
Engine hums lullabies
As we chase the binary lights
Starslavers! They call us cold
Hearts of silicon minds of fire
We roam across thy galaxies
Fueled by dreams of death
We barter stardust and harvest moons
Planets made of diamond rain
Where nebulae paint the swirling skies
Fortune glowing in the cosmic strain
Beyond the charted starlit maps
Past the veil of what you know
We are the Starslavers never lost
Wherever all cosmic currents flow

6. From dying suns

From dying suns we steal the light
Inside black holes our secrets are kept
We navigate the cosmic dance
Where gravity and time are swept
By alien winds on shattered worlds
We find the echoes of a race long gone
Their music guides us through the void
Haunting melody cracked by android

Some call us pirates some call us kings
In the court of lizards we hold still
But our allegiance is to freedom's call
And the wonders that light up the way
7. Nebula highway

Earth's a memory, a fading star
Launched ourselves into silver dream
One-way cosmic lane here we come
Stardust streams inside neon blur
Past constellations long since gone
Nebula highway our only way
Until the next new dawn shall sway
Million light years, so far away
On this endless cosmic chase
Chasing trails of a promised land
Through the future we can embrace
One-way cosmic lane here we come

Nebula highway, our guiding light
Burning eternally vivid and bright
Sealed into metal womb we call our home
As we keep going on and on
One-way cosmic lane so long gone

8. Space excrements

Space excrements cosmic debris
Asteroids in dark floating wild and free
Meteor showers of questionable source
Reminder even spaceships gotta purge the load

Wait there's a signal, faint and digitized
Alien message, on the brown stuff we just spied
Translates into warning, universal plea:
"Don't pollute the cosmos, or consequences you'll see!"

9. Before the big bang

Before the light before the sound
Before the galaxies spun around
In the silence a slumber deep
Where secrets of creation all sleep
Quantum foam, a swirling sea
Of possibilities, waiting to be
Energy danced, a chaotic pit
Symphony of what could once be
Before the big bang, vision in the dark
Singularity's spark, a flicker a mark
Potential for everything, unseen and unknown
New universe waiting to be sown
Then, a tremor, a crack in the void
Birth echoing, unheard, unalloyed
The dance quickened, energy surged
New universe born, future urged
Now galaxies blaze, stars ignite the night
Echoes of that first light, still flicker bright

Reminder of silence we once knew
Before the big bang, before me and you
10. Rotting in space

Memories flicker, ghosts on the cold metal floor
The crew, all silent, stories they won't tell anymore
Ancient photos of loved ones, faces etched with pain
Aching for a touch, a kiss in once cosmic train
Rotting in space, like symphony of decay
Frozen pictures, countless light years away
The milky way shimmers, cold, indifferent sheen
A monument to failure, like cosmic halloween

The nebula dances, swirling, mocking shroud
Lost in the endless darkness, forever unbowed
The black hole rumbles, a promise of release
But even in oblivion, there's no end to this peace
Just a husk adrift, a monument to sin
Rotting in space, where it all begins and ends

11. Dissonance of vault 69

Steel coffin tomb vault 69
Sealed tight since the bombs fell
Three generations underground
Lost echoes of a world unbound

Faces etched with flickering light
Memories dim of day and night
Hologram teachers faded guides
A future promised but sterilized
Steel coffin tomb vault 69
Sealed tight since the bombs fell
Three generations underground
Lost echoes of a world unbound

Metal walls showing tales so old
Of world poisoned, stories untold
This vault is a cage, a gilded tomb
The dissonance grows in metal womb

Vault 69

12. Warp drive failure

Starship shudder, metal bursting, red alert, paints the deck
Captain's fist slams the console, voice cracks like an old wreck
Warp drive failing, coolant breached, alarms fill their heads
Years of travel, lightyears lost, one-way ticket, to the dead
Warp drive failure - lost in the unknown
No beacon's reach - silence of a dying groan
Is this our fate - a tomb of steel, with no need to feel?
Warp drive failure - bathing in this grey steel casket forever

Cryos failing, one by one, our hope withers, with each passing breath
Rations dwindling, tensions high, who lives who dies, deals with death?
Outside the hull, the void stares back, status report, can’t be hacked?
Million dreams, turn into dust, futures are lost, all life shall reek
But in the flicker of dying hope a flicker of defiance burns
We will make our peace with this stellar grave
… but our spirits will never return again

13. Alien professor anarchy

Six eyes blink antennae twitch
Equations dance on iridescent skin
From nebulae unknown he came
Aiming for galactic filament fame

He breaks the laws of physics known
Constructs realities from stardust sown
Black holes bend at his command
Anti-gravity held in his hand

Alien professor anarchy
Defying logic setting science free
Alien professor anarchy
Defying logic setting science free

14. Lecture by a grand traveller from Lossidia

Traveller speaks of quarks beyond the string
Of dimensions where causality won't cling

He builds machines that fold space and time
Travels through galaxies in a blink of an eye

His lectures challenge every damn rule
The universe is a vast and chaotic pool
The human scholars are baffled and impressed
Try to grasp the knowledge from his alien mind
He speaks of dark matter and dark energy's might
Unveiling secrets all hidden from a mortal sight

Grand traveller from Lossidia, a cosmic spark, igniting minds, leaving his mark
The universe unfolds, a boundless quest, with the last grand traveller, science awakens

15. Space storm near Pleiades

Pleiades ablaze cosmic fury
Solar winds space typhoon
Stars aligned exploding fright
Magnetic titans devastating sight
Space storm near Pleiades

Black holes hungry for the feast
Galaxies shudder a celestial beast
The fabric of space twists in pain
As Pleiades fall in cosmic bloody stain
Space storm near Pleiades

Planetary defenses crumble
Molten infernos scorch everywhere
Civilizations screaming in fiery rain
No escape only endless burning pain
16. Grand galactic war incantation

The cosmos trembles, empires fall
War ignites, consuming them all
From nebulae to shimmering stars
The battle cry echoes across the scars

Plasma cannons roar through the night
Fleets clash in a blinding white light
Molten metal rains on desolate spheres
The screams of fallen echo with fear
Black holes awaken drawn to the fray
Devouring planets in their monstrous play
Gods and demons can’t quench burning rage
Only oblivion waits on this galactic stage
Starships ablaze painting void with fire
Grand galactic war fueled by endless desire

17. At thresholds of multiple dimensions

At thresholds of multiple dimensions we stand on the precipice
Cacophony of swirling colors reality starts to slip fast away
Through the gateways woven from starlight beckoning the unknown
Yearning for the infinite in a place we've never flown before

Fractals bloom on fingertips a language whispered on low levels
Whispers morph to shooting stars while stories planets bestow

Memories blur with parallel lives where a million versions shine
Forming a kaleidoscope of consciousness into a tapestry divine
At thresholds of multiple dimensions we stand on the precipice
Cacophony of swirling colors reality starts to slip fast away

18. Universe expanded

Oh the universe expands a canvas painted by unseen hands
Across the cosmic tide where stardust paints this starry ride

Unfurling secrets, nothing untold, a universe for hearts of the gold
We're just dust in the vast unknown but this expansion feels like our own
Comets streak like silver tears across the sum of all the years spent
Messages echo from the past of civilizations that couldn't last
But from their ashes beauty blooms in swirling nebulas and cosmic rooms

Another dance of energy unforeseen with a symphony in shades of green
Oh the universe expands a canvas painted by unseen force

19. Lossidia’s war march

Across the cosmos engines roar
See this legion forged in fire
Starships like predators in effect
With weapons set to destroy

As Lossidia commands
Their ruthless iron fist
Planets tremble in their wake
Resistance won't persist
Laser blasts plasma trails
Illuminating the starless night
Troopers clad in chrome and black
Advance with steady stride
Starcruisers rain down all death
From a distance vast and cold
No escape from judgement day
As Lossidia’s grip takes hold

20. Dead starlight passengers

Woke up to a shiver, cold sweat on my brow
Escape pod rattling, was it only a dream?
Out of starport, into endless inky sea of black
Just debris and echoes, where our galaxy used to be

Dead starlight passengers, on one-way ride
No destination in sight, nowhere left to hide
Lost in cosmic graveyard, million light years wide
Dead starlight passengers, with none left to confide

Remember their laughter, the promise in our eyes?
On a mission of discovery, beneath celestial skies
Now their craft is creaking, time running thin
Hope is a flickering candle, battling the coming din

Is there anyone out there, sounds through the void?
A flicker of recognition, then a message to avoid
This lonely endless drifting, this never-ending night
They are barely fading embers, devoid of any light

Dead starlight is their only light, in this eternal sleep
Dead starlight passengers, with secrets forever deep

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

'Achromatic horridness' is released !

The release date is here, oh yeah. You can find the album from streaming media services from this date (26th September 2024) forwards. Just checked for example Youtube Music and Spotify and it's there already. So no delay at all, awesome!

I can honestly say that I think this album is closest my vision for how I always thought Scumfusion should sound and feel. It's true scifi grind from beginning to end. Yes! 

The full album visual stream with lyrics is also available through < Youtube >. And embedded below.

CDbaby data problem corrected

Just checked and phew, ... the erroneous song data for one song has been corrected at least in CDbaby's album details already. I'm not sure if it causes distribution delay or not, to the streaming media systems online or not - with good luck it won't do any delay. Or if it does, not big one anyway. Tomorrow local time (Finland) we'll see.

I also have the full album visual video stream with lyrics ready and waiting in Youtube already. Yeah! It was truly heavy job to get that video done, not just the video editing, but because that video project had like 500+ components it caused "quite a few" crashes with the editing software ... in the end I got it sorted out, and I have to say I really dig the result.

I'll post release date stuff tomorrow here on 26th September. Stay grinded! :)

Monday, September 23, 2024

Possible delay problem with CDbaby

Unfortunately there was a data corruption in my submission to CDbaby - I did notice it myself afterward and I took repairing actions, but ... it meant I had to resubmit all the 20 songs for the system. Well, this wouldn't had been any kind of problem timewise, except ... bad luck, where I thought the audio data is being replaced, it wasn't because the fella at their end was "out of office" (and with no automated message of any sorts about it) so ... I got to know this only yesterday, and the release date 26th September is just around the corner. The data replacement got started yesterday (I thought it started well over a week ago, oh well) only, so it could mean that distribution to Spotify, Youtube music etc system might be delayed by some days. Well, not much I can do about it, a pity.

But there are good news that counterbalance the above; I have the album in 100% correct form waiting at Bandcamp so it will be available from there on 26th September certainly. And I'm also working on "full album stream video with lyrics" which I'll release in Youtube also on 26th September. So the delay with all the other streaming media systems is not that big deal in the end, I hope. Of course I would had liked all go perfectly smoothly, but as with life in general, you know - things don't always go exactly the way you want.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Cover artwork

Now that the release is looming around just few days, I thought to put the cover artwork here already. As you've probably seen'n'guessed, it's been already visible in some form or another in the few video clips (not in trailer though) ... but here it is, in its' full glory. And check out also the back cover below. You can see the artwork in bigger form as usual, by clicking on the pictures.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Lyric video for 'Alien professor anarchy' released

You can find the lyric video for 'Alien professor anarchy' from Youtube right <here> and/or alternatively you can check out the lyric video embedded below.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Possibly also a lyric video soon under works

I got an idea for "recycling" my rehearsal video from last June, you know, this clip right here - where I'm playing song number 13 from the new album. The idea is simple and straightforward, requires rather minimal videoediting - mainly adding lyrics to the video, perhaps some visual effect mixed in and replacing the rehearsal soundscape with album version of that same song. I think it will work nicely.

I'll probably craft this lyric video in coming days and put it to youtube within a week or so. I'll post about the release of the lyric video here in blog, too, you can count on it.